Monday, April 23, 2012

Burp Cloth How To

So a sweet friend of mine recently asked how I make burp clothes. Ladies, it's so simple you will wonder why you ever let your baby barf on just any old rag. If you can sew a straight line you got this. Here's your basic instruction.

1. Buy a package of good ol' fashion cloth diapers. You can find them at Target. Comes out to about a $1/ diaper. Now I know you may be confused because, shit you thought I said we were making burp cloths, not diapers. Well for us youngins you may not realize that these are the ancient cloth diapers of yesteryear that we now repurpose as kick ass burp cloths.

2. Now select what cute little fabric you want to use. You just need a decent scrap piece so if you have to head to the fabric store a quarter of yard will make you several burp cloths. Now lay out your cloth diaper and spread your fabric scrap over one end of it. Cut your fabric in the general shape that you want it to be making sure that it's a bit wider than the cloth diaper so that you can make a nice seam.

3. Now line up one long side of the fabric with the short edge of the cloth diaper. Place right sides (pretty sides) together. *in other words, put the pretty side of the fabric down- you are going to flip this bad boy over in a minute* Now put a couple pins in and sew this one straight line. Voila! You just made a nice little hem for the back of the burp cloth. Now pull the fabric back and iron at the seam to get a nice crisp fold.

4. Ok now flip over the cloth diaper. At this point, you are ready to make the edges all pretty by folding and ironing your fabric. So bring up the fabric so it lays tight against the cloth diaper. Now fold the left side and right side in so that your fabric edge lines up with your cloth diaper. Now fold down the unfinished edge of the fabric so that it looks straight across. You will need to iron each seam to get a crisp look. Now pin it. I like a ribbon across the top because you need a little preciousness when your baby regurgitates nasty formula all over you. You can pin your ribbon on top of or under your fabric- sewers preference. **Make sure you are using ribbon for sewing found in the fabric department and not floral ribbon that will deteriorate when you wash it**

5. Ok now you are ready to sew some more straight lines. I like to go up one side and across and down the other. Then I put one last row of stitching across the top of the ribbon to secure it. Bam, done. I always like to add a monogram for the baby cause that is just the finishing touch. So just run that up to your local shop or find a friend who has an embroidery machine (then call me and tell me their contact info so I can mooch off their machine ;)

* Sang forget you ever saw this little burp cloth


  1. Haha! Okay, forgotten. ;) LOVE the burp cloth, btw. xoxo

  2. In a few years it will make one bitch'n cute dust rag!!!
    Aunt Mary (aka nellie)
