Monday, June 18, 2012

Bachelorette- Metallic Mondays

Well I feel so out of touch! I hate to have missed last week but the days just got away from me. Such is the blessings of summer. So here goes. 

1. Good riddance Ryan. I just couldn't take your shit anymore either. I was so confused by his ever changing facial hair patterns.  I'm sure by now he's all signed up to be Augusta's newest Bachelor. Wow, lucky ladies. Maybe they can borrow his turquoise shoes. 

2. Chris I'm starting to want to punch you in the face. Such a little twerp needing to prove himself so damn bad. Love how the camera pans to the double rainbow during his "special time" with Emily. Message received. This whole segment really bugged the shit out of me. What is with making these group dates as unbearable as possible? Let's all watch a bunch of grown men watch another classically untamable red head carve her own path... wait didn't they make that movie already?? Annie? Guess ABC is hard up for the cash. Someone has to pay these private tutors for Ricki. 

3. Doug you got schooled. That was bad. Real bad. Pretty much the least sexual person on the show- ever. Thank God you already have a son or I might be questioning your abilities. Whatever, I said it. 

Really looking forward to next week and this Arie break down. I'm thinking it's kinda doomed with him being Ricky 2.0 anyhow. Who is in your top 3? I'm guessing in no particular order:

1. Sean
2. Jef
3. ???

1 comment:

  1. I think it's gonna be Arie. Fo sho. I'm just seeing the body language that way... Sean will be number 2. She's way attracted to him. And the guy who was "bravest" number 3. She thinks he's nice.
