1. Well if that wasn't some good ol' fashioned quality tv watching, I don't know what is. I was thoroughly entertained. Enjoyed every morsel for a change. I was certain I would be fast forwarding like a maniac through endless recaps but heaven help me, I was totally enthralled. I'm thinking there are a handful of celebrity ladies that garner this type of support from fans. I'm talking about those ladies you just really root for. Ones you just really want to get it right and make it stick. And if it all goes to shit for them you're just sick over it for 'em. Here's who I'm thinking of:
* Reese Witherspoon post Ryan Phillipe
* Jennifer Anniston post Brad bullshit
* Sandra Bullock always
* Michelle Williams (well I'm a fan since Dawson Creek days but I'd say general public post Heath Ledger death)
* Who else you got??
2. I really felt like she couldn't go wrong in the end. Both seemed to be really great people. I think she's a good judge of character and somehow whittled it down to the morally sound. Nicely done Em. I have to say watching Arie on the After the Final Rose (ATFR), I just kept thinking "sorry Arie". I mean he did seem a bit pathetic hand delivering his journal to her doorstep. I wish like hell little Ricki had beat Emily home that day and picked that bad boy up. God only knows what juicy shit we could all be reading now if she had brought that thing into school and the right teacher decided to confiscate it and go public with it. Too far fetched?? Thought so. But oh goodness me, I would love to rip that envelope open and read that crap.
3. Jef Holm. What a guy. I have to say, I just love them together. I love that he was really insistent on meeting the kiddo. I love that he was pretty natural considering the circumstances. I'm sure that's a tough one in any relationship much less with tons of cameras watching every move. I'm really hoping they are going to go the distance. Like I said, I think I'll be just sick over it if they don't. So I heard him mention his company on Good Morning America the next day. It's called People Water. And if you weren't sold on the guy before, just read about what he created. Similar concept as the shoes, Toms. Great stuff.