Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Bachelor 17- And Then There Were Two

Holy Kevin Bacon people! So my friend, Sarah, from Mops just recently started reading my blog AND guess what!?!?! Her sister in law dated Sean in freakin' high school. Yup saw the prom picture with my own two eyes. It's pretty cute. He's just what you think he would look like 10 years ago. Scrawny little white dude with a super cute smile.

Anyhow... the OVERNIGHTS.... well I have to be honest, I thought there was a bit too much talk of "ladies" and "intentions". I mean shit, do we really even need the formal invite from Chris Harrison anymore? WE KNOW... they can forgo their individual rooms and shack up. It felt like groundhog's day with each woman reading the note, pausing to discuss values then ultimately accepting the "time" together. Sigh. We get it.

So Lindsey... Bitch please. We know the ONLY reason you ate the bug is because you saw Selma sent home for not going into a cold ass lake. He's a freakin' idiot if he thinks that suddenly makes you adventurous. In my mind, that is just you securing your man. In fact, here's a few other things Sean should take note of that will no longer occur once the ring is secured:
     * Thongs
     * Eat three bites of dinner and be full
     * Make up and hair EVERY day
     * Adventures. Sweetie, find a friend, call him your bro and take his ass hunting and fishing and jumping into cold ass lakes. She doesn't want to scale a mountain, bungee jump or eat insects to spend time with you.
(*this is not a complete list. I'm sure your naughty minds can think of many more)

AshLee. Well as I predicted last week, she likes him way more than he likes her. She's a doll really. But I think she needs to accept herself and be proud of what she has done in her life not what some man has done for her. I think she was just too sure of the whole thing. I mean really, he's your soul mate? You know this because you liked your one on one time on a group date? Doesn't add up for me. I did want to kick his ass for saying to her "I thought you were THE ONE" to help her get closure. Does he get what the word means? Also, how many woman can you say that to? Last week was Des and now AshLee. That's a lot of "it" girls if you ask me. I did not expect her to be so pissed. Snake eyes yo.

Catherine. So Catherine are you weird? Oh right, you told us that about 14 million times last night. That seemed to be a common theme with Jef and Emily as well. I like Catherine. Not sure I totally get the connection between them. Not sure if they are keeping some of this from the viewer or if maybe I just don't get it.

Not sure I'm rooting for either girl in particular. I'm quite surprised that either made it to the finale. But I also don't dislike them. I don't think it would last at all with Lindsey. I think she would use this as her stepping out platform and try to get a little more fame from it. As for Catherine, not sure if it would last or not. Odds are not. She should also get a little trim before the finale. I'd like to see her hair off her face a bit. And WTF is the letter all about at the end? I'm dying to know. Is it an "i love you" no matter what happens here thing or is someone bowing out?

So girlfriend, Traci, made a great point to me last week. She proposed that Leslie could be the next Bachelorette. Exhibit A: Chris Harrison called her "fan favorite" multiple times during Sean's tell all. And was she? Or are they planting a seed? Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. My theories as far as the letter?

    (1) Des saying he is making a huge mistake.
    (2) Catherine's mom giving Sean the "blessing" that he didn't get during hometowns.
    (3) Whoever the "loser" is sends the letter as one last ditch effort, and Sean feels bad for what he's about to do.
    (4) Catherine and Lindsey realize they are lesbians and both wrote the letter together to tell Sean they love each other and that they're leaving him.
