Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bling Bling on Pegboard

Y'all I've got more jewelry than the beach got sand (word up DMB). It's bad. Real bad. And I really like it. I keep it everywhere too. Jewelry boxes, bead boxes, hanging jewelry holders, pretty little ring things, etc. It's stashed all over my room. I've got a good mental inventory but let's face with 2 kids (ok shit even when I didn't have kids) it's hard to rack the cerebral library and select a piece that really makes the outfit pop. I wind up putting on my few favorite pieces over and over and over. And I'm seriously sick of not putting the stuff to good use. SOOOO after scouring Pinterest I found a great idea... pegboard. So I had my favorite handy man, Mr. Ryan, install a few pieces in my closet. I have a rather large closet that is MY girl space. It's pink, has a little chandelier and vanity and it does not allow children :-) My own little private corner of the house- also the perfect place to hang some jewelry. Here's how it turned out. (*pardon the shots, it's a tight corner and hard to photograph*)

A few organization tips:
* Hang like things together. For example, I hung all my bangles in the same row so when I'm in a bangle mood, I know exactly what I have to choose from.
* Things I don't use as often or that are bulky I hung higher.
* Things that are harder to put away, like earrings, I placed lower so I could get to them a little easier.
*Use the space to spread out your necklaces. You know you will NEVER wear your necklace if you are constantly getting out knots. So even though they are tiny, I made sure they each had their own little space.

Well I wish I could say I got it all up there but there are still several stashes. The good news is that I got the majority of pieces that really make an outfit up there. Kind of like hanging a shirt. Things that are more valuable or I wear for more special occasions are still put away, but my head space is much more organized by having this much out and ready.

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