Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bachelorette- Dougie Down

1. Chris you are such a little boy. You are like the runt of the litter. Always yapping a little louder trying to get your grub. He spent the entire episode red eyed and frowning. He just doesn't scream "sex machine". And shit, put on an 'effing tie, sloppy little wah wah.  (sheesh, can you tell I'm up past my bedtime?? :)

2. Emily- loved your rose ceremony hair. Girl knows how to change her look. So far I'm down with her choice in men as well. Well except for Chris, but I'm assuming that's ABC pushing for ratings. We all love to hate an SOB.

3. Loved when Sean said "bigger key for the bigger man". Well couldn't have said it better myself. I mean that's how it's done gentlemen. You want to be strong and confident then be strong and confident.

Couple side notes:

1. When Sean went "looking" for Emily after John "Wolf" (WTF) date, I found it odd he had to roam the streets of Prague. I mean honestly, something tells me she had a cab or car service or better yet a shit load of cameras at her disposal and just wasn't that hard to find. Was all the yelling and random alley ways necessary? I think not.
2. Is the bitch allergic to cold? Cause every time she steps near a window these jokers are trying to cover in some kind of jacket, blanket, curtain etc. I find it a bit distracting and too mothering.
3. Why the fuck could they not film the actual Arie/producer conflict. Seriously? The 2 minutes of legit bullshit is NOT on film??? Spare me.
4. I'm thinking Arie is our winner in the end. With this whole "issue" not going on film something tells me that she is controlling their image for a reason. I think Sean is a great guy and she wants it to be him but ultimately doesn't have the chemistry. He's right on paper not in person. Jef I'm thinking is not enough of his own person for her. She doesn't like his over association with his family. She definitely can't deal with too much outside influence being a mom already. And Chris, well, he needs to finish preschool first.

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