Where has the summer gone? Well it's hard to explain, but it's things like Sea World, swimming, house projects and of course celebrating Ella's baby doll's 4th birthday. Happy Birthday Baby Father Kevin! (Yup, she named him after our priest and I agree she's a hoot and a half! Although technically she should call the baby Monsignor but I guess that's really getting technical...) Anyhow, last week she kept bugging me to pick out a birthday card while we were at the car wash for her baby which of course we looked but didn't purchase. Then she wanted a cookie cake at HEB which again I let her look but didn't buy. Then we got home and that little girl just set to work. About a half hour later after she begged for birthday candles and cupcake wrappers and invited me to a birthday party and I finally got the picture. It was baby's birthday. My sweet girl had set up an entire little party in her play room for baby. She went through all the motions of baking a cake in her kitchen before setting out cupcakes with plates and forks. Even had a special seat for the birthday girl. Of course we sang to baby Father Kevin and let her eat as much as she wanted. It was the sweetest thing up until Rhett wrecked the scene and Ella took a swing at him.

Super excited to sing
Rhett getting the evil eye for knocking over the birthday candle
Omg you've got me crying I am laughing so hard from the baby Father Kevin to "it was the sweetest thing up until Rhett wrecked the scene and Ella took a swing at him" LOL! Love that she named her baby after the priest!